I'm leaving my past
Rearranging my mind set
No longer consider me first I got caught in Jesus's net
His love paid my debt
The old has gone
and the new has come

He saved me from myself
waits while I empty old self
But I continue to repeat
Raising dead beliefs
Selfish with my thoughts
Feelings all consume me
Insane mind blinds my identity
How can I love you if I don't love me

I'm the weakest one you made
Unable to control how I feel
Unless I get high and steal
My life's on repeat
According to my truth
My thoughts construct
Interpreted evil
From loved ones ignorance
And lack of self care
Spiritual warfare

Born as sinners
But destined to be winners
Because Jesus left the heavens
Became clothed in imperfections
Died to self so we no longer walk as self
But know our worth
Our true identity

Please put your words on repeat
In my neroplalastic mind
You are the word
God's wisdom
God's very own thoughts
Freely given through death
And resurrection
Living words flow to all
Beliefs power is a creator
Of heaven or hells empty crater

I choose to fight the inner battle
Keep my mind on Jesus
Question my subconscious cattle
Driven down paths that lead to death
Night and day I will meditate
On words of life that keep me in the light
But I'm a Soul wrapped in flesh
Old residues trick me to be selfish
I'm constantly fighting between my conscience and subconscious
So I pray in the present
Unwrap the truth
Eternitys present
Loves fabric



